Rules & Regulations

A player is allowed to carry a maximum of 14 clubs.


If your ball is on the green, you cannot putt with the flagstick in the hole, unless it is tended by another player.


A ball cannot be replaced in the middle of a hole unless it has become unfit for play.


If a player fails to hole out and does not correct their mistake before another stroke is made on the next tee box, they will be disqualified.


A player may not borrow a club from another player during a match.


A player is responsible for the correctness of the score recorded for each hole on their score card.


The player with the lowest score on a hole takes the honour on the next tee.


 If a ball falls off a tee or is knocked off by the player when addressing it, it may be re-teed without penalty. When teeing off, the ball must be placed between and behind an imaginary line that connects the two tee-markers.


The ball must be played as it lies, unless otherwise stated.


A player may not improve their lie by doing any of the following:

  1. Moving, bending, or breaking anything growing or fixed
  2. Creating or eliminating irregularities of surface
  3. Removing or pressing down sand, loose soil, replaced divots, or other cut turf replaced in position

Before making a stroke in a bunker or within a water hazard, the player is not allowed to touch the sand or ground with their club (this is referred to as grounding a club).


If a competitor makes a stroke or strokes at a wrong ball that is not in a hazard, they incur a penalty of two strokes. The competitor must correct their mistake before the next hole by playing the correct ball or by proceeding under the rules. Strokes made with a wrong ball do not count in their score.


A ball on the green may be lifted and cleaned after the position of it has been marked. When a player is asked to move their ball mark, they must use something around the green as a reference and also must be sure to move it back to its original spot before putting.


If a ball is lost or out of bounds, the player is penalized a stroke and must re-tee or play a ball as near as possible at the spot from which the original ball was last played.


If a ball is lost within a water hazard, the player is penalized a stroke and may play a ball as near as possible at the spot from which the original ball was last played or play it as a lateral hazard and drop a ball within two club lengths from the point at which it crossed the margin of the hazard (no nearer to the hole.)


If a ball may be out of bounds, to save time, the player may play a provisional (another ball). Before playing a provisional ball, the player must inform their opponent. If the original ball is lost or out of bounds, the provisional ball becomes the ball in play. If the original ball is neither lost or out of bounds, the player must abandon the provisional ball and continue playing the original ball without penalty.


A player may deem their ball unplayable at any place on the course except when the ball is in a water hazard. The player is penalized one stroke and may play a ball as near as possible at the spot from which the original ball was last played, drop a ball within two club lengths of the spot where the ball lay (no nearer to the hole), or drop a ball behind the point where the ball lay in direct line with the hole (with no limit to how far behind that point the ball may be dropped.)